Dear Me,
I hope when you read this that you have gotten more out of life than you did in your 20s. Continue to go with your gut instinct and never be scared about taking risks. Live like a gypsy in your 30s: be carefree, travel around the world and be honest. (remember the night when your bf told you sat up in he middle of the night and you screamed "the road less traveled" take that as a sign as I did and know you need to go the un paved path. I also included a checklist of things I hope you are able to check off on your 31st birthday.
_ You have a passport and have traveled to the one place you have always talked about, Japan!
_ You have finished college in 2012 and have graduated from law school.
_ You have the job of your dreams.
_ You still yearn for more challenges and adventures.
_ You have figured out who are your friends and have reached out to them and continue to show them love.
_ You've re-read your favorite books.
_ You've re-watched your favorite movies.
_ You have a scrapbook started with all your cherished moments so your future children can see one day.
_ You are married to the one who has loved you more than anyone.
_ You will have mended any old wounds.
_ Lastly, you will have smiled the biggest than you have ever smiled before.
Me (@21y/o)